Weight Loss
Excess fat is a major risk factor for heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. Modern life often includes poor eating habits, lack of exercise and stress, resulting in a slow metabolism, digestive problems, water retention and fatigue. Acupuncture is a natural, safe, long-term solution method, gradually reducing the vicious cycle of being overweight.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, excess weight is due to an imbalance of the body’s energy and internal organs. Acupuncture stimulates and strengthens the digestive and endocrine systems, increasing the efficiency of food energy transformation and transportation. Auricular acupuncture controls the appetite and eliminates food cravings. Thus, the “strengthened” metabolism boosts the body’s energy levels and regulates the body’s calorie consumption.
Every patient has an individualized treatment plan including: acupuncture, electro-acupuncture, auricular acupuncture and herbs. Additionally, diet modifications and exercise are essential in the treatment process. Although some patient begin loosing weight immediately while others require slightly longer, they have all reported decreased food cravings.
Feel free to contact R.A. Acupuncture for a phone consultation or schedule an appointment at (224) 381-6319.